Ubiquity PicoStation2 AirOS with CoovaChilli, Wifidog, busybox with awk

First attempt at building AirOS firmware with CoovaChilli, Wifidog, and busybox with awk enabled. It didn’t brick my unit and it seems to all work. Use at your own risk.
XS2 8 meg for PicoStation XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100616.1213-8M.bin
XS2 for models ??? XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100616.1213.bin
I found through trial and error that the proper file to edit was /usr/src/airos/SDK.UBNT.v3.5.4499/conf/xs2/busybox.config, not the one in apps/gpl/busybox.

These were the issues and problems I had while building it. ( Copied from my posts at http://coova.org/node/4236 )

I downloaded and installed the AirOS firmware from http://coova.org/node/3685 on to a PicoStation2 HP. (the 8M version) It flashed okay and all of the web interface looks much like the tutorial. But when I hit start it just hangs. If I ssh to the unit I can see

1094 ubnt 304 S chilli –pidfile /tmp/chilli.pid
1101 ubnt 392 S chilli_opt –pidfile /tmp/chilli.pid -b /tmp/chilli-1094/config.bin

this in the process table. If I reboot the unit and run chilli from the command line I get the following.

XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100122.0850# chilli –pidfile /tmp/chilli.pid
coova-chilli: Error opening configuration file ‘/etc/chilli/main.conf’
coova-chilli: Error opening configuration file ‘/etc/chilli/hs.conf’
coova-chilli: Error opening configuration file ‘/etc/chilli/local.conf’
coova-chilli[312]: options.c: 174: could not generate configuration (/tmp/chilli-312/config.bin), sleeping one second

It just keeps looping through that. /etc/chilli/main.conf, hs.conf, and local.conf do not exist, do they have to be created by hand and how would they be written to the file system so that they would be presistant through reboots? The unit does store the information I enter into the web interface but it doesn’t seem to make it to the config files.
I’ve built a Debian VM and followed the howto on compiling a fresh set of firmware and can do a successful compile.

If I run /usr/etc/init.d/chilli from the command line I get

XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100122.0850# ./chilli start
/etc/chilli/functions: 48: awk: not found
Starting : bridge br0 doesn’t exist!
Using /lib/modules/tun.o
insmod: A module named tun already exists
Using /lib/modules/ip_tables.o
insmod: A module named ip_tables already exists
Using /lib/modules/iptable_filter.o
insmod: A module named iptable_filter already exists
Using /lib/modules/ip_conntrack.o
insmod: A module named ip_conntrack already exists
Using /lib/modules/iptable_nat.o
insmod: A module named iptable_nat already exists
Using /lib/modules/ipt_MASQUERADE.o
insmod: A module named ipt_MASQUERADE already exists
md5sum: /etc/chilli/main.conf: No such file or directory
md5sum: /etc/chilli/hs.conf: No such file or directory

XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100122.0850# coova-chilli[749]: options.c: 174: could not generate configuration (/tmp/chilli-749/config.bin), sleeping one second

Changing the AP from router to bridge mode and running chilli init from the command line shows..

XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100122.0850# /usr/etc/init.d/chilli start
/etc/chilli/functions: 48: awk: not found
Starting : Using /lib/modules/tun.o
Using /lib/modules/ip_tables.o
Using /lib/modules/iptable_filter.o
Using /lib/modules/ip_conntrack.o
Using /lib/modules/iptable_nat.o
Using /lib/modules/ipt_MASQUERADE.o
md5sum: /etc/chilli/main.conf: No such file or directory
md5sum: /etc/chilli/hs.conf: No such file or directory

Further investigation shows awk is not enabled in busybox